Phoenix Art Museum - Feb. 2-5, 2011


2011 started off with Kim going to Phoenix AZ to see the show "Inspired Vision" with photographs by Brett Weston and Sonia Noskowiak in the Norton Photography Gallery at The Phoenix Art Museum. Kim, Randy Efros and curator Becky Senf lead a gallery walk-thru and talk. The walk-thru was so well attended they had to move it into to their auditorium to accomodate the attendees. This show commemorated Bretts 100th birthday. He was born on December 16, 1911.
"In the early decades of the 20th century, young artists Brett Weston (1911-1993) and Sonya Noskowiak (1900-1975) rejected the accepted mode for art photography and embraced the cutting edge: modernism.
Both seriously pursued the medium on the encouragement of Edward Weston - father to Brett, and mentor and lover to Sonya. The elder Weston's influence is apparent in Brett's and Sonya's early photography. However, both had extended careers that allowed for distinctive departures from their initial explorations.
Brett Weston and Sonya Noskowiak: Inspired Vision features 40 works by each photographer, allowing for comparisons between their landscapes, nature studies and portraits."

The next evening Kim gave a talk and print showing to the Phoenix art collectors group InFocus. It is a group within the umbrella of the Phoenix Art Museum, dedicated exclusively to photography. Their mission is to promote photography in Phoenix and to bring monthly photographic events to its members. These events may be held in Phoenix, but may also involve exhibits and discussions elsewhere, such as the Center for Creative Photography in Tucson, and other venues. For more information please visit their website

On Friday night John Kitts of 422 Gallery (specializing in photographic art and museum quality custom framing) had the opening reception for a show which included Brett Weston, Kim Weston and Randy Efros.

On Saturday Kim and Randy gave a one day Platinum Printing Workshop for museum members and non-members. It was well attended and everyone had a great time. So that was the beginning of our year. Kim had a wonderful time with friends, getting to know Becky Senf and the members at the Phoenix Museum. Thank you for hosting Kim out in Phoenix!
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