The Westons take on England!
Imagining Tina: A Dialogue with Edward Weston
Gina and Kim travelled to England to view Maryam Eisler’s show: “Imagining Tina: A dialogue with Edward Weston” at the Tristan Hoare Gallery. The opening reception was amazing not only because of Maryam’s beautiful photographs but it was also great to see old friends! The platinum printing process works wonderfully with Maryam’s work and it was a truly stunning exhibition.
Maryam came to Wildcat Hill in 2017 to take a tutorial with Kim so it was quite a treat to be able to see the finished product of the work she created.
“A print is finished when it is hung up on the wall! ”
Adventuring with Old Friends
It is always a treat to visit Europe and see our European friends! So amazing to spend time with Martin, Fritz, and Miguel! Some magical times and of course great food and wine!