beth gates warren

Happy Birthday! Edward Weston, March 24, 1886

Happy Birthday! Edward Weston, March 24, 1886

Happy Birthday Edward Weston! 1886-1958 Edward Weston meets Margrethe Mather 1913 As I started researching Edward Weston's life around the 1913's, I realized it was when he met and started working with Margrethe Mather. I went straight to our bookshelf and read "Margrethe Mather and Edward Weston, A Passionate Collaboration" by Beth Gates Warren. We saw the exhibition at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art in 2003. It was an excellent show and I am so happy we took the time to go and see it. Margrethe was a photographer, mentor, lover and inspiration to Edward. Here are some photos by Edward Weston and Margrethe Mather from 1914 - 1920's. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do. Happy Birthday GP!